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Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Google Chrome Tips- Limit CPU Usage

I have given some tricks, tips and tweaks in Firefox,
Now its time for Google Chrome. Google Chrome has an issue of lagging your CPU usage, so your RAM capacity exceeds and it results in slow down of your PC. Follow the given steps given to fix Google Chrome high CPU usage. The issue is very simple one and can be fixed by following simple steps. Just clearing your browsing data will fix the issue. Here is a how to for clearing your browsing data

Step 1:
 Click the Tools[Customize and control] menu.

Step 2: Select Options.
Step 3: Click the Personal Stuff tab (or the Under the Hood tab, if you’re using Google Chrome Beta for Windows).
Step 4: Click Clear browsing data.
Step 5: Select the checkboxes for the types of information you wish to remove.
Step 6: Use the “Clear data from this period” menu to select the amount of data you want to delete.
Step 7: Click Clear Browsing Data.
That’s all. You are done. Happy browsing =)

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