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Saturday, 14 May 2011

Google Hacks - Smart Searching Secrets of Google To Save Time -2011

Google Hacks - Smart Searching Secrets of Google To Save Time

Google Advertising Tools: Cashing in with AdSense and AdWords (Animal Guide)Most of the users are wasting their precious time by using irrelevant keywords for their searches also too many users are not aware about some good features of Google.Further Google does not give any oppotuinity to users to customize the interface. Following steps would help you save time on google.

Today most of the people on web search for information and Google is default search for 67% users all over the globe.But most of the users are wasting their precious time by using irrelevant keywords for their searches also too many users are not aware about some
good features of Google.Further Google does not give any oppotuinity to users to customize the interface.

1) Google Desktop - Google Desktop makes searching your computer as easy as searching the web with Google. There are great gadgets available with Google Desktop which provide you information about weather,news and keep you updated. Check out Google Desktophere.
google-tag-cloud.png2)Google Tag Cloud- Have you ever noticed that you wasted 30 minutes just because you are not able to find correct keywords for your searches.The solution is here .Google Tag Cloud is a greasemonkey user script for Mozilla Firfox enables you to find relative word of your search query.To use this feature install mozilla from here and thengreasemonkey from here.Then install tag cloud scripthere.

3)Multi-Column View of Google Search Results- Do you have a 20-22 inches wide screen monitor.If yes then this google hack is so useful to you.Multi-Column View of Google Search Results is a greasemonkey user script for mozilla firefoxwhich enables you to have 2 or 3 columns of your google searches.The default number of columns is set to 2. But it can be easily changed to other number using the Alt+1/2/3 shortcut.If you are using Google Tag Cloud then just Install this scripthere.

4)Google Product Search- You must have wasted a lot of time on seaching price and features of latest gadgets.Google Products just solve this problem for you and provide information arround the world about latest products. Go toGoogle Product Search.

5)iGoogle- iGoogle gathers all the featuers of google like Gmail, Calendar,Youtube,Google Docs,Reader,Maps and thefrom

most impotant serching at one place. iGoogle gathers all the web at one place. In Short you need not to visit different websites to get all the features of Google and hence save more time. Check out iGoogle fromhere.
6) Use Signs- Use - (minus) sign to exclude any word from your search and +(plus) sign to make search only of given words.Also use "search keyword "   for searching any particuler keyword.

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