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Sunday, 31 July 2011

A bad side effect of breast cancer treatment is the experiencing of a premature menopause

Have you being eating vegetables regularly? If not, you may want to reconsider the kind of food you eat as although it is not fully proven, vegetables are believed to prevent the development of breast cancer. What do you think? Still no vegetables? 
A bad side effect of breast cancer treatment is the experiencing of a premature menopause. This makes the virginal dry, and sex more painful than fun. If you are experiencing this after your breast cancer treatment, you should see your doctor immediately and have him/her refer you to a sex related defect professional.|The adopted treatment mode for breast cancer depends on the stage of the cancer in question. Lumpectomy surgery is possible if the cancer is detected early enough and has not grown past just being a lump. This lump will be removed surgically and some medications will be administered to help you heal.

Do you want to prevent or reduce your chances having breast cancer? If yes then you should reduce your alcohol consumption, engage in regular exercise and when you have the opportunity to, breast feed. These tips are simple but can actually save you from having breast cancer.|Breast awareness is a process whereby women get intimate with their breast and detect abnormalities on or within the breast. This should be practiced by all females young or old for even if it is not common, breast cancer has been diagnosed in young females too.

The size of your breast does not increase or reduce your chances of having breast cancer. The rumor that ladies with bigger breast are more prone to breast cancer cannot be more wrong. The size of your breast has totally nothing to do with the chances of having breast cancer. Do not be led into a state of paranoia by these rumors.|Preventive measures against breast cancer are not yet fully defined as the actual cause of the disease is still unclear. But you will be able to lower your breast cancer risk by avoiding food with high fat content and reduction in the amount of alcohol consumed. Also, you should do all you can to constantly be on the lookout against breast cancer by examining your breasts all the time for signs of tumors. |Although occasionally found in men, breast cancer is most common in women. The statistic shows a ratio of 1:100 for men: women diagnosed cases of breast cancer. This shows that women are more endangered to breast cancer, but most importantly, this has shown that men too can develop breast cancer; therefore they should also check their risk factors and speak occasionally to their doctor concerning breast cancer.

Breast cancer treatment can be associated with side effects. Some of these side effects are mild while some are severe. If you tend to experience the severe kind of breast cancer treatment side effects such as limbs numbness, it is advised that you report to your doctor immediately and have your treatment changed.|A lot of women want to know the effect of our diet on the development of breast cancer. I’ll say since our body can be physically and genetically modified by the kind of food we eat, it is logical to believe that food plays an important role in the development of breast cancer. With this being said, you should remember that one man’s meat is another’s poison so have your doctor review your diet for it is only him/her that can say if the kind of food you eat can encourage the development of breast cancer or not.

There are many rumors concerning the development of breast cancer. If you are not careful, you can be led into believing safe things are cancer related. It is advised that when you start having concerns about breast cancer, you talk to medical professionals and not listen to rumors on the street. |Sexual activities and hormonal level can determine the development of breast cancer. People with low sexual hormone secretion due to none or little engagement in sexual activities, are said to be at a higher risk of developing breast cancer. This place Nuns on a high risk of breast cancer doesn’t it?  |Breast cancer is a thing most women worry about especially the younger once. This worry has lead many women into believing strange rumors that breast cancer can be gotten from toothpastes and antiperspirants. Although it is good to be careful about the products you use, but the idea that toothpastes and antiperspirants cause breast cancer is just a sign of being paranoid.

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