Daily Surveys -Best website
First i want to tell you guys is that everyone can't make money from those sites because to start completing surveys you need USA ip. I tried with Proxy/VPN but it doesn't work for me, maybe it will work for you ;)
This exploit works for more sites where you can complete daily surveys.
First i want to introduce you about the sites where this exploit works.
For example: www.rewards1.com, www.cashlagoon.com, www.cashle.com www.madmoneygpt.com www.CashCrate.com ( I didn't try this site but Prosperity told me that it works there and i trust him ;) )
Theese sites work excellent for me, you can find other sites when daily surveys are up ;) To try this exploit go register on one of above sites and make sure you choose your location from "US", then when you are done with registration search for the category "Daily Surveys". Once you are there, look for any of the following offers:
Opinions Here
Lucky Surveys
IDz Surveys
Opinion Surveys
Amp Surveys
There are two different exploits, for the two different sets of offers. The first one I will be showing you
works on Lucky Surveys, IDz Surveys, Opinion Surveys, and GiveUsYour2Cents.
Step 1.) Open up the offer, you should be taken to an average looking survey site.
The URL should say something along the lines of:
This exploit is SIMPLE, just simply change the number right after ?pgtid= (Usually 19) to 23 and
when the next page loads, mark it as complete. It should approve shortly afterwards. Just saved
yourself a lot of time, seeing as a lot of the time you take a 40 minute survey and do not qualify.
Now on to the other dailies. (Opinions Here, MyThoughtsCount, and AmpSurveys)
These are usually the higher paying daily surveys. This exploit is a bit trickier, but can still be
done with ease.
Fill out your info until you start the survey, or the url says something similar to this:
See the part user_id=? Copy everything after the = sign and paste it in a blank notepad
document or something similar. Now copy this link:
Paste that in your URL box, but do not hit Enter or Go, instead, go back to the notepad
document or what ever you used and copy the user ID you pasted there. Paste it into the URL
box after user_id=
Hit enter, wait for the page to load, and mark as complete.
Hope you enjoy your free money!
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