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Sunday, 22 May 2011

How to Change Your IP Address

                                                       How to Change Your IP Address

This how-to will show you how to change your IP address for non-hacking reasons.
IP Address Management Principles and Practice (IEEE Press Series on Network Management) Today I will show you how to change your IP on windows xp (maybe on vista). You can not have a router for this.

First, open start. You should see something called "Run". If you don't go to "All programs" and click "accessories". You should find "Run" there. But if you still don't, you can just go to "Search" and type "Run". Next, in the box type "cmd" (without the quotes). It should open a black screen. Be carefull on these next parts because your Internet will go down for a second. In the box type "ipconfig" (without the quotes). Go down untill you see "IPv4 address". That is your current IP address. An alternative is to just go to

Note down the IP you see. Then in the black screen type "ipconfig/release" (without the quotes). Becarefull, this will turn off your internet for a few seconds. Then go to to start and click "network and connections" or where ever you connect to the internet from. Most people will see "Local Area Connection". Right click on that. And click status. Then click properties. It may ask for permission. If so, click "Allow" or "Continue". Then in the box area go down untill you see "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4). Click on that and then click on properties.

Click on "Use the following IP address". Then type random numbers ranging from 1-255. The subnet mask should be automaticly created when you type in the random numbers. Then click "Use the following DNS server address" (without the quotes).
Type random numbers there also. Then click "ok" then click "close". After that, go to the black screen again and type "ipconfig/renew" (without the quotes).

After that go back to the area where you configured your IP settings and click "Optain Ip address automaticly". Do the same routen, close it and go back to theblack screen . Type "ipconfig/renew" (without the quotes). Again, go back to the IP settings part. Click on "Optain DNS server settings automaticly". Press "ok" then "close" for the last time. Finally, go back to theblack screen and type "ipconfig/renew" (without the quotes). Your IP address should be changed now.

Go to and check if it has changed! Please do not use this method for hacking reasons. Have a great day!

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