Here's an idea I have been toying with for a couple days now. I think there's a lot of potential with it, and I wanted to share this with you. I could also use some criticism, and perhaps ways to make it work better.
So I recently made a new blog/site, and I set up a forum to go with it. I learned a ton on how to set up these sites through trial and error, customer service on my hosting, and more. Mine looks pretty professional (I think) so far, and it has a lot of potential for promotion and money making.
Then I had an epiphany; I now have some simple website building experience! I could monetize this!! If I charged enough, I could use a portion of this money to help promote the site, build some backlinks, and more! So here's the process I established:
Step 1:Know how to build a Wordpress site. Know how to do basic Search Engine Optimization and article marketing. Make your own niche website and drive some traffic to it. I will explain why in a moment
Step 2:
Get some really good hosting. I personally use dreamhost, and they have been amazing. They allow you to add domains to your hosting plan at no charge. If your sites become resource heavy, they have some decent deals on private servers as well (I think it was 0.50 cents/ month for 10 mb). I also love their customer service.
Step 3:Find yourself a graphic artist who can make quality front page Wordpress Banners for you. My guy will make them for me at 10 dollars a pop. He made mine and it looks fantastic.
Step 4:Calculuate an average price to charge for one website. Include article marketing costs (outsource writing) hosting allowance, artistic banner, and labor costs (for your troubles). Make your costs competitive! Charge enough to where you make a profit between $50.00 to $75.00 a client. keep more money if you write some of the articles yourself.
Step 5:Make some business cards, get a suit so that you can look professional, and make a cardstock list of prices for services offered. You're going to be hitting the pavement soon, and you want a great first impression.
Step 6:Hit up local businesses in your area, and offer your services to them. Learn hone your selling skills. Get in touch with your inner salesman. read articles, take a marketing class, etc.
Step 7:make a killing every month, party like a rock star.
Now, you want to make this look as attractive as possible, so what you will want to do is show people the traffic that is flowing to your readily establsihed website. When the see the number of visitors a day, you can guarantee that they will be impressed. Make sure you demonstrate that numbers count, and that it can convert to sales!! Make them love what you are pitching!!
Let me know what you think!! I am starting my first day tomorrow, so I will keep you posted with the results.
So I recently made a new blog/site, and I set up a forum to go with it. I learned a ton on how to set up these sites through trial and error, customer service on my hosting, and more. Mine looks pretty professional (I think) so far, and it has a lot of potential for promotion and money making.
Then I had an epiphany; I now have some simple website building experience! I could monetize this!! If I charged enough, I could use a portion of this money to help promote the site, build some backlinks, and more! So here's the process I established:
Step 1:Know how to build a Wordpress site. Know how to do basic Search Engine Optimization and article marketing. Make your own niche website and drive some traffic to it. I will explain why in a moment
Step 2:
Get some really good hosting. I personally use dreamhost, and they have been amazing. They allow you to add domains to your hosting plan at no charge. If your sites become resource heavy, they have some decent deals on private servers as well (I think it was 0.50 cents/ month for 10 mb). I also love their customer service.
Step 3:Find yourself a graphic artist who can make quality front page Wordpress Banners for you. My guy will make them for me at 10 dollars a pop. He made mine and it looks fantastic.
Step 4:Calculuate an average price to charge for one website. Include article marketing costs (outsource writing) hosting allowance, artistic banner, and labor costs (for your troubles). Make your costs competitive! Charge enough to where you make a profit between $50.00 to $75.00 a client. keep more money if you write some of the articles yourself.
Step 5:Make some business cards, get a suit so that you can look professional, and make a cardstock list of prices for services offered. You're going to be hitting the pavement soon, and you want a great first impression.
Step 6:Hit up local businesses in your area, and offer your services to them. Learn hone your selling skills. Get in touch with your inner salesman. read articles, take a marketing class, etc.
Step 7:make a killing every month, party like a rock star.
Now, you want to make this look as attractive as possible, so what you will want to do is show people the traffic that is flowing to your readily establsihed website. When the see the number of visitors a day, you can guarantee that they will be impressed. Make sure you demonstrate that numbers count, and that it can convert to sales!! Make them love what you are pitching!!
Let me know what you think!! I am starting my first day tomorrow, so I will keep you posted with the results.
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