Communications minister Kapil Sibal launched the eagerly-awaited mobile number portability scheme in Haryana on Thursday to allow cellphone users to change their operators while retaining existing numbers. "On Jan 20 next year,mobile number portability will be available nationwide," Sibal saidat a function to launch this scheme from this town that is a part of the Haryana telecom circle. To demonstrate the launch, the minister made the first call froma "ported" mobile phone to Haryana chief ministerBhupinder Singh Hooda . The operator, according to officials here, was changed from a state-run company to Idea Cellular . "The maximum time for porting would become seven working days except in Jammu and Kashmir, Assam and North East service areas, wherein it would be 15 working days," theTelecom Regulatory Authority of India said in a statement. Haryana has a total of eight operators including Airtel , Idea Cellular, state-run Bharat Sanchar Nigam, Aircel, Loop, Vodafone, Etisalat and Videocon. The customers will have to pay amaximum of Rs.19 to the new operator for porting his number.However the minimum stay period for a customer to retain the new operator will be three months. They will have to send an SMS from their phone to 1900. Basedon this, they will get a unique porting code from the existing provider. The customer has to fill an application mentioning the code to the selected new service provider for transferring the number. According to the Rajan Mathews,director general of Cellular Operators Association of India, the maximum waiting period for porting would be seven working days. However the numbers of the customers will remain out of service just for two hours. Telecom Secretary R. Chandrasekar said the scheme will result in a major benefit to the customer. "MNP will ensure vibrant competition, lower tariffand improved services to maintain healthy competition." The scheme has been delayed several times. Initially, it was to be implemented by Dec 31, 2009 in all the metros along with the states of Maharashtra, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. The deadline was changed to March 31, 2010 and then to June30. But the June 30 deadline was again deferred as operators were not ready with the infrastructure to provide the service, officials said.Procedure to change ur operator using *mnp*
as you all know that using mobile
number portability, we can
change our operator without
changing our mob. no.
hr is the procedure to change ur
step-1: first of all send a msg 4m
ur sim whose operator u want to
PORTmob. No. to 1900
by doing so, u'll get a unique upc
code. just note this upc code
step-2: now go to the nearer
shop of the operator to which u
want to covert ur mob. No. Get a
form from them and fill all the
fiels as well as upc code.
Submit ur id with that form and u
hv done.
on 7th working day ur sim will
stop working for 2 hours. After
that u'll be with ur new operator.
note: 1. u should submit the id of
same person on whose id it was
2. u'll not get the balance and
vald. of old operator. It will be acc.
to ur new operator .
3. Ur mob. No. will be converted
into newer operator on 7th day.
*excluding sunday and other
charges: 19 rs. for changing
operator + new sim charges
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